In my work, I explore the ancient occult concept of the egregore or collective thought-form and its continued relevance in contemporary life. One might not think of the systems we operate in today as ritual in nature, especially those that utilize new technology. We often view cyberspace as an entirely rational and objective realm where everything can be neatly categorized, quantified, and monetized. Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that it is infused with ceremonial undertones. Carol Duncan posits that modern art museums serve a function akin to ancient temples, albeit concealed by post-enlightenment assumptions. Mary Douglas contends that much of our life's rituals occur beyond religious institutions, and I argue that the Internet is no exception; it may, in fact, be the primary mode of contemporary ritualistic discourse. The term "meme" is colloquially understood as comedic internet images, but its origin lies in evolutionary biology, describing cultural information that evolves through imitation rather than biological processes. The Internet accelerates these processes, granting more control over cultural truths than ancient temples or recent museums. The computer mouse can be likened to a planchette, with countless hands simultaneously shaping the cybernetic egregore. These emerging entities transcend any single individual, prompting us to ponder what might occur if a user deliberately disrupts the séance, giving rise to new mutant entities.